What is the Metaverse?

February 10, 2022 L.C.S

What Is The Metaverse? Is there a simple way to put this? The Metaverse is a digital

space encompassing the digital versions of people, locations, and things. The Metaverse is a

“digital world” with people of this world represented by digital objects. The Metaverse is a more

expansive framework for “bringing people together.”

The Metaverse can be used for an assortment of things, such as training, meetings, or

even going to the floor of a plant. When you wear 3D glasses, you can make it that the

Metaverse is completely interactive. Numerous of vendors have a role to play in this digital

space. Think of Facebook, which has even renamed their entire company to this. Microsoft is

making moves to make its presence in the Metaverse. Don’t be surprised if every technological

company, entertainment industry and retailer wants in.

The Metaverse, from doing research, will be not merely just one, but it will be many. For

business, there will be a Metaverse. For commerce, there will be a Metaverse. For education,

there will be a Metaverse. For entertainment, there will be a Metaverse. And it will be many for

each category.

When bringing this concept into the gaming world, think about the value of being an

Avatar. You will be given the ability to use your Avatar to be more honest, psychologically safe,

and expressive. The fast-growing training company Mursion “has learned that avatar-based

learning lets people be more honest and authentic in their experiences, enabling them to learn

and change behavior far better than in face-to-face coaching.” (mursion.com. 2022) An avatar in

the Metaverse will help those be themselves, regardless if you’re an introvert, always tired,

disabled, or just shy. Using an Avatar enables you to open up a variety of dialogue and

interactions which may be impracticable or uncomfortable in a conventional setting.

We can go on and on about the exciting things that the Metaverse will bring. What Is The

Metaverse? It is the future. It is not just the future in the fields mentioned above, but in gaming

as well. Remember, this was attempted a decade ago on the PS3. Now it’s time to change the

game (pun intended) and bring this back as it’s about to come in and change the coming reality

of society. The Metaverse is a digital space – a digital world represented by digital objects, and a

domain for “bringing people together.”

Mursion is proven to drive behavioral change. https://www.mursion.com/why-it-works/


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