Unfair Gaming Experience Coming to an End? A Possible Answer from Activision for Call of Duty!

Cheating is a toxic act that ruins any experience, that isn’t unique to video games. The act of unfair play for the sake of winning or creating disadvantages for other players is never a good thing. It spits in the face of good sportsmanship, especially in the highly competitive scene and online gameplay in the esports community. Many victories have been stolen due to cheaters, and sometimes it’s hard to catch. One example is the recent Call of Duty games. Bugging weapons, imploring different hacks, and auto-targeting are just a few examples of unfair gameplay making the game difficult to play competitively.

 Though in recent news, that may change!!!

Activision has finally cast down the hammer on cheaters. Call of Duty players rejoice!

There was a teaser that was presented by Activision, saying “See you tomorrow”. Following this, Activision introduced us to Ricochet, a new anti-cheat system that will utilize a kernel-level driver to shut down cheaters – (https://youtu.be/jcSpJHJVvQE).

G-Haven has personally faced this in several battles in Call of Duty, as we have come face to face with numerous cheaters. It has made the gaming experience very unwelcoming as we want to play in a fair environment, but our opponents did not share the same courtesy.

 G-Haven isn’t the only one frustrated by cheaters in COD: Warzone. Jack Frags, a popular Call of Duty YouTuber with 3.6 million subscribers, created videos about the pattern and seriousness of seeing cheaters in April 2020, and he’s still irritable about it in 2021. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SG-PV2pKpvo&t=1s

 We have already seen this anti-cheat system previously in games including Valorant (Wilde 2020), Doom Eternal (Worrall 2020), and Genshin Impact (Ranch 2020). And as we know, this anti-cheat system is always on, and they are always watching what you are doing. This may be a godsend for the players of Call of Duty, or it may spell another coming disaster.

 Call of Duty's latest anti-cheat backend features will be active with the launch of Call of Duty: Vanguard on November 5, so keep an eye out and be prepared for a fresh form of gaming. Later this year, with the Pacific update for Call of Duty: Warzone, the kernel-level driver will roll out.

 Taylor Wilde. May 08, 2020. https://www.pcgamer.com/the-controversy-over-riots-vanguard-anti-cheat-software-explained/

William Worrall. May 15, 2020. https://www.ccn.com/doom-eternals-awful-anti-cheat-software-can-wreck-your-computer/

Jacob Ranch September 30, 2020. https://www.pcinvasion.com/mihoyo-reigns-in-genshin-impacts-aggressive-anti-cheat-system/


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