A Toxic Gaming Culture
In order to implement a solution, you must first admit there is a problem. There are many issues in the gaming community, not only ruining a good experience but also perpetuating negative stereotypes of gamers. One of the more prevalent issues comes with the wrongful actions towards female gamers.
It’s sad to say that female gamers regularly are plagued with negative behavior from male gamers. These actions range from sexual harassment, aggressive abuse and sometimes even graphic threats of harm. Statistics show that 28% are constantly sexually harassed by fellow gamers and 40% are vocally abused during online gameplay (Oppenheim, 2021).
Even with these numbers, there are still those in the gaming community that either refuse to acknowledge the toxicity, seeing it as harmless fun, or are truly ignorant to the true nature of what a female gamer has to experience.
The time for change is now. Our female gamers should never have to play a game with the fear of being harassed or abused either on stream or when they casually play for fun. Gaming is rated E for everyone.
But what are your thoughts? Are gamer girls truly submerged in a toxicity every time they play? Are the numbers being downplayed or inflated?
Please, let’s have a conversation down in the comments section!
Based on the article “The Dark Threats and Sexual Abuse Women Gamers Endure by Maya Oppenheim of the Independent Journal. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/women-gamers-sexual-abuse-harassment-b1860003.html